Wednesday 9 December 2009

Recent Snaps

Here are a few pictures of people getting rather drunk lately.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

The Bohemian Boer

So Thursday rolled in and my journey to the fair cape began. To say the trip went smoothly would be an outright lie, but i did get there in the end. My good friend David picked me up from Cape Town International and we hastily set off for the fantastic University town of Stellenbosch.
We met up with David's folks and a couple other friends for some dinner, only to find out that all the restuarants were closed, barring one. Bohemia. So we set off and got a tasty chow as well as a good few big delicious black label draughts. Our night was set. We ended up next door at the Mystic Boer to continue the evening. Drinking and foozeball (or simply fooz) seemed to be the choice of the locals here. So most of our night was spent around or near the tables. None the less a ton of fun was had and we stumbled home in the early hours of the morning to find some rest in David's pad.

The next mourning i awoke with a moderate to fresh hangover and plans were made for the day. We hooked up with an old school mate, Greg, and headed on our way to Koelbaai for the promise of some fun waves. We made a quick stop off for some pies and to get some beers for our good friend Giffy. We made our way through the scenic route along the coast and arrived at our destination. There were waves, a bit windy, but waves. We met up with Giffy and his mate Jonty and suited up for some fun in the refreshing cape water. Well all of us except Giffy, who stayed on the beach to take care of the beers.
The surf was fun, but not quite what we though it would be. So we headed off back towards stellies. We met up with Peter (David's old man) and had a couple beers at The Dross. We were then met by the rest of the Harris family and decided to head off to some other place for a chow. And it was good. Some lagers flew down the gullet as well as a steak fit for a King. A discussion went down and Sandy decided that a wedding is not a wedding, unless you attend it with a hangover. So we said farewell to the older generation and headed off to Bohemia once again for some drinks. And many drinks it was. We went next door to Mystics once again and a night of Drum&Bass, drinking and the fooz kept us going until the morning birds graced our ears.

Woke up with a solid hangover to say the least. But Robbie was on the ball and handed us a bunch of remedies that would help us get through the day. We sat around and watched a few movies, then took Sandy across to the folks house to get ready. We went back to David's and got suited up, said cheers to Rob and then headed off back to the folks to get a lift to the wedding venue. At the entrance we were all greeted with a pink drink of some sorts, which went down super well because it was as hot as satan's local haunt. There were many friends that i had not seen in a while so a bit of mingling was done before the ceremony started. It was an awesome wedding, the priest was a bit on the strange side but what is a formal event without some form of humour. after the i do's and the forevers it was time to dash to the bar for a refreshing beer and to get the celebrations on their way. Unfortunately the free bar had not started yet, so we parted with our hard earned cash to get the buzz going. Once in the venue however, the drinks flew thick and fast. Nothing quite like a bar tab. After Some funny speeches and some classic humour saw the dancefloor opened, which led to a fight between the oldest couple in the room. Only because the old man in question was thought to be looking at all the young girls on the dancefloor and not looking at his wife of 40 odd years. Too classic. But this is where my mind goes blank, in a blur of chatting drinking and stealing booze.
We then left the venue to head out into some local night life. Picked up Robbie and Graham at half 3 in the morning and went on our way. Cant remember much of what happened apart from some load afrikaans songs and David sleeping on the floor. But we got back safe and sound, and once again thanks to Harry and Katherine for an awesome night. Here is a look at the newlyweds

Just like they are in high school.

The next day was a lazy one to start, but it developed into a day filled with chores and swimming. First off we went to go and change a tire on the trailer. Afterwards we swam in the pool and had a delicious lunch. We then went to help Sandy move her things out her flat and into David's flat. Which was not, thankfully, as bad as i thought it would be. Got a phone call from Greg who said we should head down to Bohemia for some bingo. We all decided we would go and have a couple Sunday arvo beers and enjoy the company of friends, then go home and watch movies. Problem. there was 2 for special after Bingo and things escalated. We were definitely dressed for the part, barefoot and vests, and were the last to leave after a pint of beer was smashed around our naked feet. So we called it a night and went home.

Monday greeted us with a lazy day followed by a lot of house work to clean up the crack den that David called home. But we did a decent job. And before i knew it i was being whisked off to the airport to return to Durban and Robbie and Dave were off on the coastal mission to St Francis. Lucky bastards! But all in a all one hell of a solid dysfunctional weekend was had, and i am glad i was apart of it.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Southern Adventure

So i am heading off to Cape Town tomorrow, well Stellenbosch actually, for a long time friend of mine's wedding. The trip has me in high hopes of extremely good times, as well as the chance of catching my favorite right hand wedge. Oh please let them roll in.

other than that, not much news. My french mate Gregoireis coming over with his girlfriend next month. So that will be a good excuse to get road tripping somewhere to show them some of this country that we call home. I'm thinking St Francis. But hey time will tell.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Birthday Weekend

So this last weekend was the weekend that i celebrate my 25th year in this mad mad world that we live in. The lack of a house forced me to give up on my dreams of hosting a beer pong championship. So instead we had pre-drinks at the flat, and then attended drum and bass at the Willowvale. With a solid crew in support, a good night was on the cards. Wow.....if only i can remember most of it. Bits and pieces of the night are slowly coming back to me, but the main thing i remember is losing my mind on the dancefloor, and walking home. Oh yes, and just before walking home, myself and Arn were waiting on the back of a bakkie for a lift home. Well Stu told us the dude was giving us a lift home, but all we got was a guy telling us to get off in french...... nice.
The walk home was intense. i doubled the distance because of my side to side walking style i had going for me. But we made it none the less, and it did not take me long to pass out on the floor.

My phone rang way to early. had a chat with my mom, but i was still drunk, so i fell back asleep. But of course because it was my birthday the phone kept ringing. i eventually got up and we made a move to Stu's house to sit in the sun and lounge around the pool. Good choice! A few vodka drinks and some afternoon entertainment from the deep diving sausage dog got me back on my vibe. The dog was amazing though. Dove into the pool like an Olympic diver! We shot off a few Polaroid snaps.....

Then after the summer pool session we moved back to the Bandwagon and i indulged in an almost all night afternoon nap. But i managed to get myself up and have a few beers before moving out to Thunder to have my "actual" birthday get together. A good bunch of friendly faces showed up and quite a bit of liquid gold went down our throats. Some solid banter kept me entertained until we eventually called it a night. A short trip home with Jaxpanik keeping us company over the car stereo, and i was back on the couch. Another good night in the Dirtbin.

Sunday was almost non existent for me. Woke up at half 3 and just chilled on the couch. But it was definitely the call of the day to help recover from a weekend full of good times.

Oh Monday. Why do you have to come so soon........

Tuesday 3 November 2009

All Hallows Eve

Well this weekend was one to be looked forward to. Wes and Sam got back from Cape Town, and Halloween party at Sio and Tash's house on saturday. One minor problem. i was meant to be a little choir boy all weekend.
i Managed to make an appearance at Thunder road on friday after my choir shenanigans had ended. There was a good crowd. Was too good to se old Wes and sam again. Marki was out for the 1st time in ages too. i decidied to make it an early one though, had to be up early for my second day of choir at Crawford College.
Choir went well, but i managed to sneak off early so that i could get a bit messy at the halloween party. Amy arrived with the rest of my outfit, so i suited up and began my night of drinking. i also looked like a loon!That is me attempting to look like a strongman from yesteryear. And yes, the Mustache is real.
The party did not take long to get into full swing, with the music pumping (even though it was shit) and the drinks flowing, people were mingling and showing off their best moves on the carpeted dance floor. The variety of outfits lifted the mood as everyone drank themselves into a festive stupor. Before we knew it, it was time to head out to burn to go see the yearly migration of people who dont normally go to burn, but will because its halloween. But we hit a snag. The Que was longer than a presidential acceptance speech. So we decided to hit up the worst club in the world.... Clapham. After stopping in at a shebeen on Umgeni road (Ed made the best entrance i have ever seen in my life, dressed as batman. the locals were stunned to say the least), our hopes and dreams were shattered when the bouncer swiftly declined our entrance into the marvelous fun land, because we crossed the street (and Stu and Dane had quarts. But thats neither here nor there). So myself, Stu and tash decided to walk to 80's. What a good idea...... About 200m from the entrance Stu decides to call a cab, so we jump in and drive to the parking lot. Then as i get out he decides that it would be better to head back to the Clap. So we do.
Back in the Que and things are going well, except Stu gets bounced again. he assures us all is good and he will get it, so myslef and Tash enter the Devil pit. A bit of dancing goes down. i bump into Zol Duthie. Some more dancing goes down. i lose everyone.......

After walking the club through about 100 times i eventually get a vantage point on the balcony and spot Amy on the dance floor. i managed to run through the club and get to her and the rest of my associates before they moved on. A few boogies went down, then the decision to bail was made. one problem. Tasha was missing. So i scoured the club. i came up with nothing. A group decision was made. We were moving on.

A short but eventful taxi ride back to Amy's house had me in stitches. Stu was a right old drunk mess. After much arguing he decided he was going back to Westville, and continued to shout Westville at the top of his lungs at least until the Taxi was out of ear shot. But we were finally at a place of rest. I could peel off the ladies swimming costume i had been wearing the whole night and give my boys some air. A good chill out was had on the balcony in the company of a hubly and some smashing sampoerenas.
The night was done.

Here are some images to gaze at.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Midnight Intruder

The other night while sleeping on the floor of The Bandwagon HQ, i was awoken from an incredibly deep sleep. Shouts and raised voices pulled me out of my bed made of couch pillows. i walked into the passage, still half asleep, and was handed a spear. i looked up and saw Arn and Sern holding an African Gentleman, while Chris was throwing in some punches while tying his hands behind his back...... 


Yes. Arn went for a smoke in the early hours of the morning, only to find an unknown man climbing through the window of the kitchen. He yanked him out and put him in a head lock. After a couple shouts Sern sprung out of bed (completely naked) and joined in with a few knees and punches. They then brought him inside and Chris got involved. By the time i got there most of the craziness had already gone down. But i still decided to hold the spear the wrong way round, just incase he made one last attempt to break free and i end up stabbing him. Would not have been good. The cops arrived a few minutes later and threw in some heavy handed punishment, then dragged him away.

We found out the next day that he left a little present in the form of a "shit in the tea towel" for us on the verandah. What a dick. And what a night.

This Is Africa i guess.  

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Wow I need a camera.

So its been an age since i last wrote.
And a lot has happened.

i stumbled upon a job a couple weeks ago, thanks to a good friend by the name of Stuart. Went to an "interview" and then got a call the same night at 8:15 to go down to the eastern cape on a shoot the next day, for 10 days. i said yes.
My life of turned from being an unemployed couch surfer into a traveling editor/cameraman for D4 Productions, very quickly.

Our 1st stop was PE where we stayed over night at our still cameraman, Kelvin, cousin's house. Who happened to be a bodyboarder i have bumped into a few times. Then we shot through to Plett the next day to set up our first camp at Nature's Valley. i love going to that place. And for the next 6 days we (Andrew, Zayne, Kelvin and myself) chased some crazy bi-athletes over some of the most awesome terrain imaginable! As well as getting some of the most intense games of one bounce on the go, in some of the most remarkable settings.
It all ended in Wilderness, and after a quick edit of the mass of footage we had shot, we started the next leg of our journey at 10pm. The destination, Moolmanshoek in the Orange Freestate, for the 4 Peaks Mountain Challenge. What a drive. i must have fallen asleep at least 3 times behind the wheel. But we arrived safe and sound at 8:30 the next mourning to be greeted by breakfast.
A short nap latter and we were out and about, going through route maps and plans for filming the 24km long mountain climb happening the next day. With a highest peak of 2400m it was not going to be an easy day. But i got the start and finish duties so i stayed low altitude.
After being in the Cape for a week, the weekend seemed to fly by. And before i knew it i was back on my way to Durban with a bag full of dirty clothes that smelt like petrol. Good times. Especially because i do not have my own place to wash and hang everything.

Since i have been back its been full time employment for me, and resting my head anywhere that i can. Mostly with Chris and the good lads at The Bandwagon.
Last weekend was wild too. Watched some bands at the Durban Varsity and got extremely smashed on rum. Pocket Change where the show steelers for me.
Vader popped his hobbit head in the picture too. After the Uni we went and got very creepy on the Drum and Base dance floor at Willowvale. Very good times! Except for the walk home.

Saturday was Stoffels birthday. we went to paradise on the Palmiet river. what a spot. Swam and stuffed around in the waterfall while drinking moderately cold labels. And then cruised out to burn for the EastCoast riot. but after having car troubles we missed quite a few of the bands. Still had a kick ass time though. Slashdogs were extremely entertaining, and to be honest i cant even remember who played after them......

So now almost midway through the week i am still recovering. But i would not have it any other way. maybe a surf or two would be nice.

Oh yes and why the title of the blog? All these places i have been and not a single picture.
i hope you enjoyed the reading.

Monday 7 September 2009

A catch up is in order

So a whole month has gone by since my last post. wow. I suppose I should have so much to tell. If only.......
I have been in Durban trying to find work, which in these economic times is no easy task. But my good friend Stuart did hook me up with some last week. so when that money comes in, it will be too nice!
This dirty little city has had quite a bit going on recently. Some absolutely mental gigs, parties and the occasional fun wave too. And not to forget Wong and Wesley were in town recently. The willowvale has been the haunt on most weekends, putting out some of the craziest 'dance till your limbs break' sessions I have ever taken part in. Stu managed to come out last weekend and made sure that I would not remember a thing. The mizers have been rocking my face off a bit. Always a terrific show to be apart of. And not to mention countless mindless time at The Bandwagon HQ. Which is due to be released shortly! exciting times. Check out
Also just been doing a lot of cruising. Carl, Cracker, Boychamp, Knuckles and Chris have been the regulars. Had quite a fun night out the other day with Carl and Cracker taking night shots all around the city. Steamy is the word I will use.

Too much fun can be had with a camera and flashes.

Oh yes. My cousin Brad and his new wife Amanda were out from the UK for the South African leg of their wedding. So a major shindig was had with the whole family. Very fun. Was good to see all the relatives again after such a long time.

A strange thing happened to me this weekend. I went home to attend my cousin's engagement party. And went to see this man about the possibility of doing some vocal training. Turns out it was an audition and I am now part of the KZN Youth Choir. Quite crazy. Never ever considered joining a choir before. but I think I might go check it out. Could be very beneficial.

So that has pretty much been my last month. Will try make things more interesting and get some pics up. Quite difficult with out a camera.....

Thursday 30 July 2009

A Week In The Bin

So this may be another boring blog with no photos. But I will try get some up.
I have now re-entered the world of unemployment. My beard has started growing and my days are a bit lazier. Well most of them. I have been back in Durbs for the last week. Good times. Watched some awesome bands last weekend. City bowl and pretty blue guns rocked my world, was a super sick show. Got my dance on hard!
Then I have managed to surf a bit this week too. south coast has had some very fun swell, so we scored some sick Colonels. What an awesome wave. One of my favorites for sure. And then a little bowl in town yesterday too.
Last night I went to a reggae night at the Winston pub. So chilled. Was good to see a few of the friendly faces out. Got my drink on solid though. Then on our way home we got pulled over by the boys in blue and thankfully for my mate they were willing to let him go after a small tender was paid. Got to love a corrupt police force.
Woke up this morning on a little nest made of pillows in a friends flat feeling pretty darn terrible to be honest. But it has been a decent day none the less. lazy, but good.
And oh yes, how could I forget. My laptop is broken and its going to cost a handsome sum to fix it. Super stoked about that.

Well thats all the news for now. Might be heading back to Gtown soon, which will not be that rad, but will definitely save more money there.
Will keep you posted.

Monday 20 July 2009

Times ahead

So I have a lot of things running through my mind at the moment.
One of them being that at the end of the month I am once again unemployed. Good times....
But its also good news because it means I can move back to the Dirtbin and get my life on track.
Get A job.
Start a band.
And who knows what else.

So a different post, but there it is.

Monday 13 July 2009

Wild Weekend

Well I know photos make a blog, but i got none at the moment.
So I went to the wedding of one of my good mates, Don. What a rad day. There was free bar but I could not capitalize cause I was driving. but hey. Still an awesome day. Then I got chatting to my friend Justin. It went something like this:

Me: hey Justy what you up to tonight?

Just: I'm going to Durban to visit my girlfriend and cousin.

Me: Sick. When you coming back?

Just: Tomorrow.

Me: I'm coming with you.

And that was that. The night was set in motion. I left Nottingham Road like a bat out of hell and got some things together. Got to Tasha's house just after 8 and headed to Thunder Road Dinner. Got some beers down and then Shadow Club came on and changed my life once again. They are too good. Even in a venue not renowned for good sound they shredded. And with the crew the the good times were had. A quick visit to steers and a munch on the couch before a good sleep.

So if I get some pics I will put them up.

Until then.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Weekend Fulfillment

Where do i start....
My Aunts birthday was one good night. Got to have a good old fashioned shin-dig with my cousins who i have not seen in a while. Some hubbly was smoked and a lot of time was spent chatting around the fire. I hit the sack at about 2:30am only to awake at half 5 for my next adventure...

I picked up peter the mussel eater in Gtown and then headed off to meet up with Stoffel in Westville. The we hit the South Coast high way till we hit Umzumbe. Checked the surf and then Giffy made his entrance in a style only Giffy could, with 6 cold black labels. The surf was not too great but fun would be the word. Then we waited for the rest to arrive. They came at different intervals and then eventually the party got under way. One of the many highlights would be Giffy crashing his bike shortly followed by Dane going over the handlebars into his own car. A great little jam took place with Ryan, Dane and me. With the highlight being Peter ejecting his dinner and doing things that i am not too keen to repeat. The night ended somehow I can't remeber...

We woke up and checked the surf to be greated with favourable conditions. Stu and Wesley arrived and we hit the water. Too much fun. Little left and right jems breaking on some shallow rock. After a long and healthy surf a much needed chill period ensuied until we went for an afternoon surf at the point in some less than average waves.
The night was a heavy one. We ran out of booze, so a lot of theft went down. The we tried to hit up the Mantis and Moon, only to be turned around as we arrived. Who would not turn away a bunch of drunks led by giffy dressed like a rockstar wearing sunglasses at midnight who addressed the manager in German when he clearly was a Portugeus speaker.

Monday greated us with some super fun waves again. We had Granti in the water with us too. After a decent surf a solid game of one bounce went down. Craig and Stu definately took the cake. The drinking started early again after a quick stock up trip.
Drinking games where the flavour of the final night. And way too many of them. Which is the reason why I had the savage hangover that I did on the final morning for the pack up and departure.
A long drive back to the district was fueled by KFC and conve from Pete and Craig.
Well i can't really say i am glad to be home. But i was happy to not have to travel anymore.
So another good one goes down.

Here are some other pics

flash fun

Friday 12 June 2009

Weekend Promises

So I am excited to say the least.
Got another large one lined up this weekend. Starting in the small stronghold that is Greytown for my Aunt's birthday. A nice family occasion.
Then heading off down the south coast for some good times. We got the Umzumbe cottage loaded to the rafters so things should get interesting. Hopefully some waves.
I will keep you posted

Thursday 4 June 2009


So I have been a bit lazy with this thing. Procrastination is the one constant in my life. So what have I been doing? well....

Friday: Work is work and I don't like talking about it and I'm sure you don't like hearing about it. So moving on...... Durban blew my mind on the weekend!! Drove up as early as I could and popped into Stoffels house to see his new snake absolutely savage an innocent little rat. Like discovery channel in front of your face! The I swung round Wendy's place and saw Boychamp who has been in Capetown for the past month. So we chilled hard then went for a messy heavy wave at town with Stuart. Then we hit up the Winston pub to watch Gonzo Republic and the Shadowclub with a few of the friends. What a fun little gig! I got a bit blackout on 3 quarts...... Must be all the running...... And then we made our way home by way of a rather quick car ride with Megan. Tried to watch a movie..... don't know why.

Saturday: Woke up with a bad case of pirate mouth. Then hopped in a car with the champ. North was fun to say the least. Solid 4-6ft and farely clean. Was so good to see some of the gents turning heads out there. Stu, Boychamp and Tickner where my pick of the bunch. So I had a few fun ones and then after a few severe beat downs I decided my mourning of boogie sliding was done.
The evening started off calm. We did the boetjie thing and watched the rugby. then we went over to Wessels's place and had a few beers with the residents there. Then we set off to the Willovale for round 2 of the Shadowclub madness! they blew my mind once again! I got a bit sweaty in the circle and the bumped into an old face at the bar. The rest of the night is a blur of chatting and music. Once again quarts got me..... oh yes and did I say that I got in

Sunday: Oh the pain....... we were too late for the beach, so we had some food. KFC. Then I had the long drive back to Gtown. Which was made easier by the music. And that was the end of my weekend. Tired, broke and back in Greytown. Life is good..

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Home again...... its been 11 years.

So I am back home after my short trip to the UK for my cousin Brad's wedding. Which was wicked! And By home I dont just mean South Africa, I mean Greytown. Back with the folks. In the same old bed that I grew up in.
But so far so good. Started my new job working with my cousin Jody. And I get to see my brother, sister-in-law and niece a lot more than i have been. Because they too are living under my parents roof after moving up form Somerset West. So things are busy to say the least.
Other than that I had a good few days in Durban at indaba and got to see a lot of friends again. Thursday night was pure black out! OC buzz on got me hard! and then a very chilled Friday night at a friends birthday, where the guitars came out and fun was had.
So thats about it for now. Got the little ones birthday party this weekend, so should be a few sweets around. Too keen.


Friday 1 May 2009

The Recent Years

Ok. So I am pretty bored, so I thought I would catch you up on a few things i have been up to.
So as I said I have been in the UK for the last 2years.

I started out in Manchester, where I met up with my good friend James and his brother Ollie.


Manchester is quite a city. In the summer it is possible still one of my favourite places, so much to do, and so many crazy people. Winter on the other hand, is pretty lame. But lots of good friends were made and I definitely had some unique experiences there.

Next stop was Scotland where myself and James ventured off to find some work and clarity while Oll finished of his studies.
It was interesting to say the least. We worked for an outdoor center, which meant tons of activities to keep us busy, but we never really did any. We spent most of our time taking photos in the dark and exploring the woods. As well as spending some time on frozen water. give this a watch if you can

From there we went for some recuperation in Wales. Staying with Jame's dad and Ollie's mom. All i can say is it was very quiet. In small towns in wales there is not much to do. So we lived for the weekends when we went to Manchester to let off some steam. As well as eating a lot of crisps.

After a while I said good bye to Wales and to James and headed down south to the wonderful Provence of Kernow, Cornwall for all you unenlightened people. I managed to get a job as a barmen at another outdoor adventure center.I lived in a shed that was a stones throw away form a fun little right hander, and so my days of bodyboarding were back on track.
This place proved to be extremely fun and I met a lot of people who will difficult to forget. especially after having the best bosses I have ever had. The best thing about Cornwall is that nothing happens that fast. So it is a very chilled existance. right up my alley. But if I did feel the need to spice things up I would head off to London and spend most of my money on a weekend long pub crawl. delightful stuff.
But the as the summer came to an end I headed back to Manchester in search of some work but only managed to find unemployment. Which was unsettling and left me broke for my trip home.
But none the less it was a fantastic trip which brings us right back to the here and now.

So I hope that brings you up to speed a bit.

First Hello

A very good day to those of you who have stumbled on this blog.
My name is Pinky and I am currently seeing through a move back to my home country of South Africa. I have been living in the UK for the last 2 years, and after a short but long visit home, I have decided to move back to the great dark continent.
Being back on the sunny warm shores and being in the company of my Friends&Family made me realize that the good life i was chasing was right at home all along.
and for those of you who might doubt me.

So this is the start of my new life back home. And even though it will begin with very humble beginnings in the small town of Greytown, living with my parents, I believe it will be a pretty cool journey.

so for now......