Tuesday 10 November 2009

Birthday Weekend

So this last weekend was the weekend that i celebrate my 25th year in this mad mad world that we live in. The lack of a house forced me to give up on my dreams of hosting a beer pong championship. So instead we had pre-drinks at the flat, and then attended drum and bass at the Willowvale. With a solid crew in support, a good night was on the cards. Wow.....if only i can remember most of it. Bits and pieces of the night are slowly coming back to me, but the main thing i remember is losing my mind on the dancefloor, and walking home. Oh yes, and just before walking home, myself and Arn were waiting on the back of a bakkie for a lift home. Well Stu told us the dude was giving us a lift home, but all we got was a guy telling us to get off in french...... nice.
The walk home was intense. i doubled the distance because of my side to side walking style i had going for me. But we made it none the less, and it did not take me long to pass out on the floor.

My phone rang way to early. had a chat with my mom, but i was still drunk, so i fell back asleep. But of course because it was my birthday the phone kept ringing. i eventually got up and we made a move to Stu's house to sit in the sun and lounge around the pool. Good choice! A few vodka drinks and some afternoon entertainment from the deep diving sausage dog got me back on my vibe. The dog was amazing though. Dove into the pool like an Olympic diver! We shot off a few Polaroid snaps.....

Then after the summer pool session we moved back to the Bandwagon and i indulged in an almost all night afternoon nap. But i managed to get myself up and have a few beers before moving out to Thunder to have my "actual" birthday get together. A good bunch of friendly faces showed up and quite a bit of liquid gold went down our throats. Some solid banter kept me entertained until we eventually called it a night. A short trip home with Jaxpanik keeping us company over the car stereo, and i was back on the couch. Another good night in the Dirtbin.

Sunday was almost non existent for me. Woke up at half 3 and just chilled on the couch. But it was definitely the call of the day to help recover from a weekend full of good times.

Oh Monday. Why do you have to come so soon........

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