Tuesday 3 November 2009

All Hallows Eve

Well this weekend was one to be looked forward to. Wes and Sam got back from Cape Town, and Halloween party at Sio and Tash's house on saturday. One minor problem. i was meant to be a little choir boy all weekend.
i Managed to make an appearance at Thunder road on friday after my choir shenanigans had ended. There was a good crowd. Was too good to se old Wes and sam again. Marki was out for the 1st time in ages too. i decidied to make it an early one though, had to be up early for my second day of choir at Crawford College.
Choir went well, but i managed to sneak off early so that i could get a bit messy at the halloween party. Amy arrived with the rest of my outfit, so i suited up and began my night of drinking. i also looked like a loon!That is me attempting to look like a strongman from yesteryear. And yes, the Mustache is real.
The party did not take long to get into full swing, with the music pumping (even though it was shit) and the drinks flowing, people were mingling and showing off their best moves on the carpeted dance floor. The variety of outfits lifted the mood as everyone drank themselves into a festive stupor. Before we knew it, it was time to head out to burn to go see the yearly migration of people who dont normally go to burn, but will because its halloween. But we hit a snag. The Que was longer than a presidential acceptance speech. So we decided to hit up the worst club in the world.... Clapham. After stopping in at a shebeen on Umgeni road (Ed made the best entrance i have ever seen in my life, dressed as batman. the locals were stunned to say the least), our hopes and dreams were shattered when the bouncer swiftly declined our entrance into the marvelous fun land, because we crossed the street (and Stu and Dane had quarts. But thats neither here nor there). So myself, Stu and tash decided to walk to 80's. What a good idea...... About 200m from the entrance Stu decides to call a cab, so we jump in and drive to the parking lot. Then as i get out he decides that it would be better to head back to the Clap. So we do.
Back in the Que and things are going well, except Stu gets bounced again. he assures us all is good and he will get it, so myslef and Tash enter the Devil pit. A bit of dancing goes down. i bump into Zol Duthie. Some more dancing goes down. i lose everyone.......

After walking the club through about 100 times i eventually get a vantage point on the balcony and spot Amy on the dance floor. i managed to run through the club and get to her and the rest of my associates before they moved on. A few boogies went down, then the decision to bail was made. one problem. Tasha was missing. So i scoured the club. i came up with nothing. A group decision was made. We were moving on.

A short but eventful taxi ride back to Amy's house had me in stitches. Stu was a right old drunk mess. After much arguing he decided he was going back to Westville, and continued to shout Westville at the top of his lungs at least until the Taxi was out of ear shot. But we were finally at a place of rest. I could peel off the ladies swimming costume i had been wearing the whole night and give my boys some air. A good chill out was had on the balcony in the company of a hubly and some smashing sampoerenas.
The night was done.

Here are some images to gaze at.

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