Friday 18 February 2011

Radio Silence

so, whats been going on.

well the thing thats on my mind the most right now is i am going to be homeless in just over a week unless i find a flat. there are a couple prospects. but nothing solid. and what a hack it has been to try and find those prospects.

tonight is going to get a bit messy. courage party at willowvale. chris and i have come up with quite an outfit. will have to wait for the pics.

and the best news of all. i will more than likely be getting my dirty mitts on a canon 7d. too freaking stoked. then i can finally have pics up more often on this thing. and a little more to write about too.

other than that i have just been cruising. waiting for surf. none has come. very bummed. i reckon i have forgotten how to bodyboard.

so until the report back on monday...

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