Monday 21 February 2011

Body Aches

well. what a weekend.
started off pretty mellow. went to meet amy for her birthday, had a couple chilled drinks then went for a chow at house of curries.
picked up stu and headed over to willowvale for the courage party. it was filthy to say the least. people went all out as usual. chris and i went as conjoined twins.
made life very interesting in a crowded club. way more fun than difficult though. i cant really remember much about the whole night. had on of my usual blackouts. but this girl was definitely courageous.
dirty dancefloor

tons of fun. apart from the tossbag who tried to start a ruckus cause his drunk chick got hit in the face by her friends heels. quality.

saturday was a sketchy start. extremely hungover. went to stu's for a swim and a chill out. decided to hit the beach. super stoked we did. got some really fun ones.
we went back to stu's and watched the rugby. stu, dane and amy went to the hospital. amy had a neck spasm of some sorts. pretty hectic.
oro, kimi, chris and myself held down the fort. ended up being a quiet night. saving ourselves for the surf in the morning.

got down to the beach and the waves were on. paddled out at north, ended up surfing at wedge. took me while to get my first one. but after that the floodgates opened. had some super fun ones. we surfed a few hours. went home and rested.
then we played an arvo game of soccer. so tiring man. got a mad big blister on the bottom of my foot.
not such good times. the game was fun though.
then we cruised down the strand again and scored a few more waves. bowl was too much fun. about 8 mates, and smiles on our faces. bum-board 360's for the win!

after the surf i thoroughly enjoyed my time on the couch at home.

what a weekend. most exercise i have done in years without a doubt in my mind!

all images by Erin Wulfson and Craig Scott (except the blister)

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