Monday 28 February 2011

Out With the Old, In With the New

what a hack.

but most of it is done. hard to believe a year can swing bye so
fast. we have said good bye to route 66 and hello to 6 jb guevara, well actually chelmore. but new road names make things confusing. here are a few snaps from the last night at route 66.
rod in the smoking chair

baldrick long exposure

nessie having a feed

friday night i went with my cousin ryan to gtown to pick up some furniture. had a nice relaxed night with my old man. ate some good steak. drank some cold beers and rested for the mission the next day would hold.

we were up early and packing. manged to score a sweet trade with my grandparents. small tv for a rather big one. punch the sky.
we eventually got back to durban. the relentless back and forth up the stairs took its toll on all our bodies. but we eventually got a lot of it done.
we called it a day and went to stu's to watch the rugby. well the end of it. sean ticker was there. that is a face i have not seen in a while. we chatted, drank and then got ready to go to unit 11 to watch shadowclub.

the rest of the night is a massive blur. i remember dancing pretty hard to an awesome show by shadow club. they truly are a great band to watch live. there are bits and pieces of memory in the blackout. i hung out with mole. i saw matt and alex. and thats about it.
we did get these snaps once we were back at the house.
well traveled flag

creepy monkey

stoner monkey

stoner monkey 2

no explanation

willy face


sunday was a long day. we packed up the rest of the stuff at route 66 and lugged it over to the new spot. and i was rather hungover. so not the best combination in the world. but most of it is done now. just the washing machine and the dragons.
i like this shot

here is the view form my bed


Wednesday 23 February 2011

24 Black

this is a video from the 6th of january 2011.
it was matt v's birthday and we decided to go gambling. carl put 50bucks on black and that is exactly what it landed on. after about 20min of screaming and shouting we calmed down. at one point i saw satan burrows on his knees punching the sky, all on his own.
any way. we decided to jump off the moses mabhida stadium.
i re-edited the shitty video they gave us. hope you enjoy it.

Monday 21 February 2011

Body Aches

well. what a weekend.
started off pretty mellow. went to meet amy for her birthday, had a couple chilled drinks then went for a chow at house of curries.
picked up stu and headed over to willowvale for the courage party. it was filthy to say the least. people went all out as usual. chris and i went as conjoined twins.
made life very interesting in a crowded club. way more fun than difficult though. i cant really remember much about the whole night. had on of my usual blackouts. but this girl was definitely courageous.
dirty dancefloor

tons of fun. apart from the tossbag who tried to start a ruckus cause his drunk chick got hit in the face by her friends heels. quality.

saturday was a sketchy start. extremely hungover. went to stu's for a swim and a chill out. decided to hit the beach. super stoked we did. got some really fun ones.
we went back to stu's and watched the rugby. stu, dane and amy went to the hospital. amy had a neck spasm of some sorts. pretty hectic.
oro, kimi, chris and myself held down the fort. ended up being a quiet night. saving ourselves for the surf in the morning.

got down to the beach and the waves were on. paddled out at north, ended up surfing at wedge. took me while to get my first one. but after that the floodgates opened. had some super fun ones. we surfed a few hours. went home and rested.
then we played an arvo game of soccer. so tiring man. got a mad big blister on the bottom of my foot.
not such good times. the game was fun though.
then we cruised down the strand again and scored a few more waves. bowl was too much fun. about 8 mates, and smiles on our faces. bum-board 360's for the win!

after the surf i thoroughly enjoyed my time on the couch at home.

what a weekend. most exercise i have done in years without a doubt in my mind!

all images by Erin Wulfson and Craig Scott (except the blister)

Friday 18 February 2011

Radio Silence

so, whats been going on.

well the thing thats on my mind the most right now is i am going to be homeless in just over a week unless i find a flat. there are a couple prospects. but nothing solid. and what a hack it has been to try and find those prospects.

tonight is going to get a bit messy. courage party at willowvale. chris and i have come up with quite an outfit. will have to wait for the pics.

and the best news of all. i will more than likely be getting my dirty mitts on a canon 7d. too freaking stoked. then i can finally have pics up more often on this thing. and a little more to write about too.

other than that i have just been cruising. waiting for surf. none has come. very bummed. i reckon i have forgotten how to bodyboard.

so until the report back on monday...