Thursday 30 July 2009

A Week In The Bin

So this may be another boring blog with no photos. But I will try get some up.
I have now re-entered the world of unemployment. My beard has started growing and my days are a bit lazier. Well most of them. I have been back in Durbs for the last week. Good times. Watched some awesome bands last weekend. City bowl and pretty blue guns rocked my world, was a super sick show. Got my dance on hard!
Then I have managed to surf a bit this week too. south coast has had some very fun swell, so we scored some sick Colonels. What an awesome wave. One of my favorites for sure. And then a little bowl in town yesterday too.
Last night I went to a reggae night at the Winston pub. So chilled. Was good to see a few of the friendly faces out. Got my drink on solid though. Then on our way home we got pulled over by the boys in blue and thankfully for my mate they were willing to let him go after a small tender was paid. Got to love a corrupt police force.
Woke up this morning on a little nest made of pillows in a friends flat feeling pretty darn terrible to be honest. But it has been a decent day none the less. lazy, but good.
And oh yes, how could I forget. My laptop is broken and its going to cost a handsome sum to fix it. Super stoked about that.

Well thats all the news for now. Might be heading back to Gtown soon, which will not be that rad, but will definitely save more money there.
Will keep you posted.

Monday 20 July 2009

Times ahead

So I have a lot of things running through my mind at the moment.
One of them being that at the end of the month I am once again unemployed. Good times....
But its also good news because it means I can move back to the Dirtbin and get my life on track.
Get A job.
Start a band.
And who knows what else.

So a different post, but there it is.

Monday 13 July 2009

Wild Weekend

Well I know photos make a blog, but i got none at the moment.
So I went to the wedding of one of my good mates, Don. What a rad day. There was free bar but I could not capitalize cause I was driving. but hey. Still an awesome day. Then I got chatting to my friend Justin. It went something like this:

Me: hey Justy what you up to tonight?

Just: I'm going to Durban to visit my girlfriend and cousin.

Me: Sick. When you coming back?

Just: Tomorrow.

Me: I'm coming with you.

And that was that. The night was set in motion. I left Nottingham Road like a bat out of hell and got some things together. Got to Tasha's house just after 8 and headed to Thunder Road Dinner. Got some beers down and then Shadow Club came on and changed my life once again. They are too good. Even in a venue not renowned for good sound they shredded. And with the crew the the good times were had. A quick visit to steers and a munch on the couch before a good sleep.

So if I get some pics I will put them up.

Until then.