Monday 14 March 2011

party party crime

this weekend was a bit of a different one. very mellow.

on friday i went out to jilera for a drink with some friends. we did not stay long, because davies was having his 21st at the bat center. which got moved to amsterdam. so chris and iw ent across there and had adrink with wong and a few others. we left before the thing really kicked off. calvin had not even arrived yet.

saturday i woke up early. went to go get my broken camera from the repair shop. took a snap of the nazi house on the way there. sorry its a shitty photo.
not the easiest shot speeding past it on a freeway.
then we bought some supplies and headed out to gman's house for his birthday braai. we played a fair amount of one bounce and had a few drinks to keep us refreshed. here are a few snaps
stoff on the drive there

meegs pascale and stoff

stoff with some serious sweatage

the birthday boy with some solid natural light

hot and bothered

my filthy feet

then after the sun went down, giffy showed up from pmb. was good to see his face again. we chilled out, cooked and spoke some general chit chat.

giff dane bryan


stoff braai mastering

group long exposure shot

afterwards we went back home. giffy crashed over. we watched life cycles and went to bed. if you have not watched life cycles, do yourself a favour!

sunday we woke up to find that giffy's car (maleek) had been broken into. luckily we had taken most of the stuff out. but the bastards still got some things. so i went with giffy to the police station to report it. here are some snaps


life through broken glass

giffy through broken glass

giffy through broken glass again

all in all it was a good weekend. apart from the rain wetting our carpets and now we have to deal with the smell.

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