Monday 7 November 2011


so i felt the need to write today. well not the need, maybe more of an urge. is it because its my birthday and i am now 27years old? which is outrageous, because i have no idea what happened to the time that has flown by! 27. why are numbers so frightening? why do we put so much into age. i do my best to not let it get to me. but to be honest it does every now and then. just like most people in this world i have been heavily conditioned! i am a mixture of other people ideas, and i am trying to find a unique identity in a world made up of copy cats. time for a change. i am not going to worry anymore. i am not going to look at myself in the mirror and wonder "what will everyone think of me?". i am over trying to impress people who are more desperate than me to fit in. fit into what? fuck it. i could not care. i am alive. RIGHT now. so i am going to live. RIGHT now.

Monday 29 August 2011

Small Change


i have decided to give tumblr a go. i will still write here from time to time. but i am trying to focus on putting up photos as often as i can. so tumblr is where you can see them.
here is my link.

please follow me.


Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Few Recent Pictures

these shots are all from the last month or so.

introducing brock sampson. he is a new resident in our flat.

these ones were taken when i went away with my folks recently. we hit up a spot up the north coast called mtunzini. was a good weekend. my sister was behind the lens on a couple of these.

Monday 25 July 2011

Spillage Is Downage

i took this sequence a while back and just stumbled on it again. dane acting the fool.

(i dont know why the giff does not want to play. but if you open it in a new tab it works. check it)

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Sky Jumpers

i was at home visiting the folks this last weekend. so i went around town with my sister and took a few photos. i started off taking some landscapes but then remembered i way prefer taking photos of people. so we stuffed around for a bit. these are what happened.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

A Moment Captured

grant is a really good photographer. in a creepy way. he likes to creep hard. but he got this snap at news years this last year. and when i look at this photo it brings back a flood of memories and feelings from that weekend. and that means its an amazing photo.

here it is

you can find more of his stuff here

Monday 23 May 2011

What? The Weekend?

well, the world was meant to end this weekend. and it did not. so i guess i should post.

david was up from cape town, so he picked me up from work. we went back to my spot and chilled out on the green couches till chris got home. we consumed a few ales while shooting the shit. jess was having a house warming party later on, so we ate the fresh snoek that david hauled out the ocean that very morning. quite delicious. 
we cruised over to jess's house, and what a place it is. massive garden, pool, big open house. there is nothing not to like. there were a few people there, a few of them i did not know, and some i have not seen in a while. i got chatting to a few, but the entire dynamic was broken up like a junior school disco. circle of girls, circle of guys. although this was circles of couples who knew each other, and then myself, david and chris. so i took a few photos. then david took a few photos. then dane took the camera and took a few photos. i cant actually say if anything els happened other than standing and chatting. 

but then we left. back to the flat. where david and i carried on drinking. well chris too. but not for that long. we flipped the rats a few times and took more photos. a lot more photos.

quite a few that i am really happy with. after chris went to bed david and i thought we would try catch last round at a cabana. but it was closed already and we had to walk all the way back up the hill without getting the satisfaction of that final draught. we then had another beer at home before calling it a night.

we had a lazy start to saturday, but then drove through to ballito. we went for a paddle at fruitloops. well not fruitloops itself but really near. it was really small and super shallow. but some fun, glassy, rock bottom waves were had. i got caught on my very first wave and my lesson was learned. rocks are sharp.
after the surf we went back to david's and enjoyed a couple frosty beers with his parents and sister around the bar. i always enjoy my visits to the harris house. good company, good music and cold beers. whats not to like. although this night was a moderately quite one in comparison to how things normally pan out at that bar. we chatted about music and photography and then decided to call it a night.

david and chris went fishing in the morning so i enjoyed a sleep in. i waited for them to return and then we went in search of waves. we found them. at tiffanies. janus and matt were already out. the conditions were perfect and the water was crystal clear. there are not many better ways to spend a morning. i caught myself a few spacey barrels and managed to launch a couple too. so it was definitely a good morning.
we dropped david off, said goodbye to his folks and headed back to the dirt bin. stuffed some chow in ourselves, managed to relax for 10min then went to play soccer. it was our best turn out yet. makes a huge difference i tell you. but you still have to run like a son of a bitch. there were spells of good and bad but it was an extremely fun afternoon.
after soccer matthew v and i went to house of curries, the once awesome hang out which is now overrun by the people of the "jock" variety. so we got a take away and headed home to numb our brains and our sore bodies with some random american television entertainment.

a good weekend.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Monday 9 May 2011


i love shooting car side mirrors. gives you such a strange perspective of things. i'll try put a few more up soon

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Last Weekend

i have been a bit slack of late. but here are some images of last weekend
