My Aunts birthday was one good night. Got to have a good old fashioned shin-dig with my cousins who i have not seen in a while. Some hubbly was smoked and a lot of time was spent chatting around the fire. I hit the sack at about 2:30am only to awake at half 5 for my next adventure...
I picked up peter the mussel eater in Gtown and then headed off to meet up with Stoffel in Westville. The we hit the South Coast high way till we hit Umzumbe. Checked the surf and then Giffy made his entrance in a style only Giffy could, with 6 cold black labels.

We woke up and checked the surf to be greated with favourable conditions. Stu and Wesley arrived and we hit the water. Too much fun. Little left and right jems breaking on some shallow rock. After a long and healthy surf a much needed chill period ensuied until we went for an afternoon surf at the point in some less than average waves.
The night was a heavy one.

Monday greated us with some super fun waves again.

Drinking games where the flavour of the final night. And way too many of them.

A long drive back to the district was fueled by KFC and conve from Pete and Craig.
Well i can't really say i am glad to be home. But i was happy to not have to travel anymore.
So another good one goes down.
Here are some other pics

flash fun