Friday, 27 August 2010

Forget me not.....

Wishing away the day today
almost forgot how far i've made it
into the back of my own mind
losing myself in all its madness

i take the time to feel the wind
but there is none here where i sit
couped up in my pen for the day
until the evening lets me feel it

the constant stare into the screen
hard at work but my mind dreams
i get caught up and lose the plot
as my work screams forget me not

i check the clock its 10 till 3
there's still some time before i leave
i miss the point to why we do this
perhaps its because we're all just clueless....

Thursday, 29 July 2010


Man the weekends are getting more difficult to recover from. Not sure why. I'm not doing anything different to what i have been doing most of my life. Maybe its from the fungis, maybe its not. Maybe i am just getting old and unfit. but that is not the kind of thinking that will get you anywhere. i am just blabbing. Check this out

Well as i said before i had 2 of my mates from Oz come visit.

And Daniel
We had quite an eventful weekend. we cruised the lion park and hit up the flowrider. that thing knows how to dominate your body! we had 2 GoPros on it so we ended up with some fun footage to play with.

Well thats about it for now really. here are a few snaps from the weekend.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Lazy Lazy Lazy

So i basically wrote off my blog this year. i fell off the wagon when i lost my last job and could not get online. But i have had a new job for a while now and still not written anything. i could blame my journal, but that would be a lie because i have not even been writing in there for a while.

So whats new?

I have a sick house, well flat. overlooks the whole city. It has way too many rats in it though. Pet rats that is. 2 females, 8 babies each. You do the math. They need to leave......

The world cup soccer ended about a week or so ago. Was quite a fun time. the whole country was on another level. Good times where to be had anywhere and anytime. But it dented the pocket badly!
We had to girls from Chile stay with us for a while, they are probably coming back tomorrow. 2 of my ozzie mates have come for a visit too. And last night Giffy stayed over with 2 of his friends from Switzerland. So we have been quite an international hang out.

But other than that i have just been cruising, enjoying the nights out when i can, playing music and chilling with friends.

Its been good.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

So This Is The New Year

2010 hey. finally here.

Been slack this year, probably because i have been keeping a journal again. took a year off, but now i am back on it. So whats new in this year?
Went on a road trip to cape town over the new years period. It was rather fun. Stayed in plett, st francis and the mother city.
Then i came back home and got stuck into the mountain of work that was waiting for me. always good times..... obviously did not do a good enough job, cause i got fired today. excellent times. but hey.

Life situation: gone form bad to worse.

Just signed a year lease on a kick as flat, and now i have no income.
so yea life just got interesting.

lets see what happens.