Thursday 22 October 2009

Midnight Intruder

The other night while sleeping on the floor of The Bandwagon HQ, i was awoken from an incredibly deep sleep. Shouts and raised voices pulled me out of my bed made of couch pillows. i walked into the passage, still half asleep, and was handed a spear. i looked up and saw Arn and Sern holding an African Gentleman, while Chris was throwing in some punches while tying his hands behind his back...... 


Yes. Arn went for a smoke in the early hours of the morning, only to find an unknown man climbing through the window of the kitchen. He yanked him out and put him in a head lock. After a couple shouts Sern sprung out of bed (completely naked) and joined in with a few knees and punches. They then brought him inside and Chris got involved. By the time i got there most of the craziness had already gone down. But i still decided to hold the spear the wrong way round, just incase he made one last attempt to break free and i end up stabbing him. Would not have been good. The cops arrived a few minutes later and threw in some heavy handed punishment, then dragged him away.

We found out the next day that he left a little present in the form of a "shit in the tea towel" for us on the verandah. What a dick. And what a night.

This Is Africa i guess.  

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Wow I need a camera.

So its been an age since i last wrote.
And a lot has happened.

i stumbled upon a job a couple weeks ago, thanks to a good friend by the name of Stuart. Went to an "interview" and then got a call the same night at 8:15 to go down to the eastern cape on a shoot the next day, for 10 days. i said yes.
My life of turned from being an unemployed couch surfer into a traveling editor/cameraman for D4 Productions, very quickly.

Our 1st stop was PE where we stayed over night at our still cameraman, Kelvin, cousin's house. Who happened to be a bodyboarder i have bumped into a few times. Then we shot through to Plett the next day to set up our first camp at Nature's Valley. i love going to that place. And for the next 6 days we (Andrew, Zayne, Kelvin and myself) chased some crazy bi-athletes over some of the most awesome terrain imaginable! As well as getting some of the most intense games of one bounce on the go, in some of the most remarkable settings.
It all ended in Wilderness, and after a quick edit of the mass of footage we had shot, we started the next leg of our journey at 10pm. The destination, Moolmanshoek in the Orange Freestate, for the 4 Peaks Mountain Challenge. What a drive. i must have fallen asleep at least 3 times behind the wheel. But we arrived safe and sound at 8:30 the next mourning to be greeted by breakfast.
A short nap latter and we were out and about, going through route maps and plans for filming the 24km long mountain climb happening the next day. With a highest peak of 2400m it was not going to be an easy day. But i got the start and finish duties so i stayed low altitude.
After being in the Cape for a week, the weekend seemed to fly by. And before i knew it i was back on my way to Durban with a bag full of dirty clothes that smelt like petrol. Good times. Especially because i do not have my own place to wash and hang everything.

Since i have been back its been full time employment for me, and resting my head anywhere that i can. Mostly with Chris and the good lads at The Bandwagon.
Last weekend was wild too. Watched some bands at the Durban Varsity and got extremely smashed on rum. Pocket Change where the show steelers for me.
Vader popped his hobbit head in the picture too. After the Uni we went and got very creepy on the Drum and Base dance floor at Willowvale. Very good times! Except for the walk home.

Saturday was Stoffels birthday. we went to paradise on the Palmiet river. what a spot. Swam and stuffed around in the waterfall while drinking moderately cold labels. And then cruised out to burn for the EastCoast riot. but after having car troubles we missed quite a few of the bands. Still had a kick ass time though. Slashdogs were extremely entertaining, and to be honest i cant even remember who played after them......

So now almost midway through the week i am still recovering. But i would not have it any other way. maybe a surf or two would be nice.

Oh yes and why the title of the blog? All these places i have been and not a single picture.
i hope you enjoyed the reading.